As Ash Hole Cigar Club approaches its 10-year anniversary, we are evolving our operations to embrace inclusivity, welcoming individuals regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, political beliefs, or religion. Our members join voluntarily, united by the goal of fostering a stronger and healthier cigar community. Our distinctive public presence has been a key factor in differentiating us from others, and we are committed to maintaining this approach. Our vision is not merely to follow trends but to lead the way, ensuring we remain at the forefront and establish the standard for what a social cigar club should embody.
Obligation & Commitment
Ash Hole Cigar Club LLC. is more than just a social club, it’s a community. Our members come from all walks of life and gather together to enjoy premium cigars, fine spirits, great company, and good times. We create an environment where our members can relax, network, and build lasting relationships. At AHCC, we believe that enjoying the finer things in life is not simply a luxury, but a way of building a better tomorrow.
Our mission is to provide a platform where people can come together and enjoy a good smoke. We believe that smoking a cigar is more than just a leisure activity; it’s an art form that brings people together. By creating a space where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or economic status, we hope to bridge the gaps between cultures and spark meaningful conversations that celebrate diversity and promote understanding.
At Ash Hole Cigar Club LLC., we take pride in our commitment to giving back to the community. Since our inception, we have made it our duty to help those in need by organizing and participating in a variety of charitable events. Each of our chapters our required to plan and host at least two charitable events throughout the year, and they have full control over which charity they would like to support. We support growth!
Founding Members
We believe in the power of community, bringing like-minded individuals together to enjoy premium cigars, spirits, and forward-thinking conversations. Our passion for cigars goes beyond the smoke, as we believe in the power of reflection it provides. Our club is more than just another social club it's a community of people sharing stories and experiences and enjoying the simple pleasures life has to offer.
Dee Evans CEO
Our founder, Dee, is a visionary entrepreneur passionate about cigars, cars, and firearms. Dee's mission is to create a unique social club that offers an exclusive environment while implementing innovative technology. The future is looking bright with ideas of branching out into different markets. Bringing forward-thinking people together worldwide is extremely important for understanding cultural differences to progress for future generations.
James Stone CFO
James is a methodical thinker and a class act. He is a founder and co-owner and has been a major key in the improvements of the club and helped it evolve over the years. His dedication has been instrumental in growing the club into a thriving successful community. James is a numbers guy, and he doesn't budge if the numbers don't align. He stays up on the newest trends, and ideas and pays close attention in the direction of the club.
Chico Edwards COO
Chico aspires to reach new markets and expand the reach of our community. He is also a founder and co-owner since its inception, and he understands the importance of consistency, communication, and always keeping an open mind to new ideas and business opportunities. The wisdom that comes from him, is from being the youngest of 6 brothers and sisters and just being intuned with what's going on in the world.
Oklahoma Appreciation
The Oklahoma chapter has been going strong for four years, with Maisha leading the way as president. She's done a fantastic job bringing members together through meetups and charity events, all while being a vital board member for the Midwest region. The OKC chapter is lively, with members who are active on social media and know how to have a good time. They've really shown what a social cigar club should be like, setting a great example for new chapters. With their current momentum, it's clear this chapter will keep being one of the most engaging and fun ones around.
New York Appreciation
The New York chapter has a long-standing presence and has consistently worked to maintain its vitality. Johnny, a veteran member, has fostered strong connections with the East Coast chapters. Chris has played a key role in ensuring the chapter's growth remains on the right path, while the current president, Rich, has been an encouraging and highly engaged figure on social media. The chapter's positive development over the years can be attributed to the dedication of long-term members and newcomers who bring innovative ideas.
Nebraska Appreciation
The Nebraska chapter, led by President James Keyes, is a shining example of unity and enthusiasm. Keyes has done an outstanding job of keeping members engaged and fostering a strong sense of community. Their efforts have positioned the Nebraska chapter as a true inspiration and a high standard for others to follow.